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Before setting up your conda-store-core development environment you will need to have a local copy of the conda-store repository.

If you are a first-time contributor:

  1. Go to and click on the Fork button in the upper right corner to create your copy of the repository.

  2. Clone the project to your local computer:

    git clone<your-GH-username>/conda-store/

Once you have a local copy of the conda-store repository, you can set up your development environment. There are two main ways to set up your local environment for development:

Docker-based development - conda-store-core

Install the following dependencies before developing on conda-store.

To deploy conda-store run the following command:

docker-compose up --build -d

Many of the conda-store Docker images are built/tested for amd64(x86-64) there will be a performance impact when building and running on arm architectures. Otherwise, this workflow has been shown to run and build on OSX. Notice the architecture: amd64 within the docker-compose.yaml files.

After running the docker-compose command, the following resources will be available:

ResourceLocalhost portusernamepassword
conda-store web serverlocalhost:8080adminpassword
MinIO S3localhost:9000adminpassword
PostgreSQL (database: conda-store)localhost:5432adminpassword

On a fast machine, this deployment should only take 10 or so seconds assuming the Docker images have been partially built before.

If you are making any changes to conda-store-server and would like to see those changes in the deployment, run:

docker-compose down -v # not always necessary
docker-compose up --build

To stop the deployment, run:

docker-compose stop

# optional to remove the containers
docker-compose rm -f

Local development without Docker - conda-store-core

You will need to install the following dependencies before developing on conda-store:

  1. Install the development dependencies and activate the environment:

    # from the root of the repository
    conda env create -f conda-store-server/environment-dev.yaml
    conda activate conda-store-server-dev
  2. Install the package in editable mode:

    # from the root of the repository
    python -m pip install -e ./conda-store-server
  3. Running conda-store in --standalone mode launches celery as a subprocess of the web server.

    python -m conda_store_server.server --standalone
  4. You should now be able to access the conda-store server at localhost:8080 from your web browser.


Before setting up your conda-store-ui development environment you will need to have a local copy of the conda-store-ui repository.

If you are a first-time contributor:

  1. Go to and click on the Fork button in the upper right corner to create your copy of the repository.

  2. Clone the project to your local computer:

    git clone<your-GH-username>/conda-store-ui/

Once you have a local copy of the conda-store repository, you can set up your development environment. There are two main ways to set up your local environment for development:


Docker-based development - conda-store-ui

Running conda-store-ui in Docker is the simplest way to set up your local development environment.

We use docker-compose to set up the infrastructure before starting, you must ensure you have docker-compose installed. If you need to install docker-compose, please see their installation documentation.

  1. After cloning the repository change to the project directory:
  # from your command line or terminal
cd conda-store-ui
  1. Copy .env.example to .env. All default settings should work, but if you want to test against a different version of conda-store-server, you can specify it in the .env file by setting the CONDA_STORE_SERVER_VERSION variable to the desired version.
  2. Run yarn run start:docker to start the entire development stack.
  3. Open your local browser and go to http://localhost:8000 so see conda-store-ui.
  4. You can then log in using the default username of username and default password of password.

Hot reloading is enabled, so when you make changes to source files, your browser will automatically reload and reflect the changes.

Local development without Docker - conda-store-ui


This setup still uses Docker for supporting services but runs conda-store-ui locally.

Set up your environment

This project uses conda for package management. To set up conda, please see their installation documentation.

  1. After cloning the repository change to the project directory:
  # from your command line or terminal
cd conda-store-ui
  1. From the project root create and activate a new conda environment:

    conda env create -f environment_dev.yml
    conda activate cs-ui-dev-env
  2. Install node dependencies:

    yarn install

Run the application

  1. Run yarn run start and wait for the application to spin up. Open your local browser and go to http://localhost:8000.
  2. You can then log in using the default username of username and default password of password.

Hot reloading is enabled, so when you make changes to source files, your browser will reload and reflect the changes.


Changes to the API

The REST API is considered somewhat stable. If any changes are made to the API make sure the update the OpenAPI/Swagger specification in docs/_static/openapi.json. This may be downloaded from the /docs endpoint when running conda-store. Ensure that the c.CondaStoreServer.url_prefix is set to / when generating the endpoints.

Adding new dependencies to the libraries


Runtime-required dependencies should only be added to the corresponding pyproject.toml files:

  • conda-store-server/pyproject.toml
  • conda-store/pyproject.toml

Development dependencies should be added to both the environment-dev.yaml and pyproject.toml files. Within the pyproject.toml file these should be added under the [] section.

This will ensure that conda-store distributions are properly built and tested with the correct dependencies.


The only exceptions to this runtime dependencies rules are conda and constructor which should be added to the environment-dev.yaml file as they are only conda installable.


Dependencies should be added to the package.json file.

Linting and formatting

We use pre-commit hooks to ensure that code is formatted and linted before being committed. To install the pre-commit hooks, run:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Now every time you commit, the pre-commit hooks will run and check your code. We also use to automatically run the pre-commit hooks on every Pull Request.